Wellspring Youth
Wellspring Family Church is working with young people in many areas of the Dereham community, particularly through Illuminate and its weekly activities

Illuminate is run by Wellspring Family Centre and works with young people in the local community. Our main goal is to support and assist young people, helping them to make good life choices and helping them with any problems they may face, be it alcohol, drugs, anti-social behaviour, relationship breakdown etc.
Illuminate wishes to see young people's lives turned around, to show young people that they are greatly valued and to offer a safe place to meet, people to chat with and to offer support and advice. We want to encourage young people to take an active role within their communities and to help them to make a positive contribution and impact. We want to break down stereotypes and prejudices that the community may have towards young people because we believe today's youth are the next generation. We want to invest a great deal of time and effort in young people, helping them make the right decisions and having a positive influence on them, bringing light into dark situations and building supportive, friendly communities that accept young people for who they are.
Illuminate Regular Events
Fun groups for Teenagers from Year 7 and up to be free and open with their faith, play games, eat snacks and have the chance to worship God, read and learn about Him and how to apply it to life.
Thursday 4:30 - 5pm at Wellspring Family Centre
Thursday 5 - 6:15pm at Wellspring Family Centre
More Info? Contact Toby Rouse on 07890 565331 or use the form below to send an e-mail:
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Charity no. 5154582. Company no. 1105643.